The Only Constant in Life is ...

Dear Reader,

You Guessed It! Change.

Sometimes in August we get a cold day, or I catch a whiff of a certain wind that reminds me of FALL. Suddenly, from in my bones, a certain sadness and anxiety arise and fill my body. These stem from deep in childhood.

I’m trying to hold on to summer and savor what I love about it, but August is the month that always triggers feelings associated with transition and change. For example, as a lifelong learner and teacher, this month signifies the return to another new school year. Two years ago in August, I left my full-time job to honor my heart and authenticity. Yesterday, on August 9th, my niece Maddie had her first baby. (Congratulations, Maddie!)That's change with a capital C!

Transitions and change are constants in life, but they can feel overwhelming or they can throw us off balance ever so subtly—especially if we don’t remain conscious of them. Whether facing a career shift, retiring, moving, or experiencing an empty nest for the first time, how you navigate change can significantly impact your well-being. Allow me to share seven tips for embracing and managing transitions with grace:

7 Tips to Mindfully Navigate the Journey

1. Consciously Acknowledge, Even Welcome, Your Feelings
It’s important to recognize and validate your feelings rather than push them away. What we resist persist, it is said. Though it may not seem so, taking a moment to sit with uncomfortable emotions can provide greater clarity and ease through the transition. I love and often share
Rumi's poem, The Guest House, to illustrate this point.

2. Stay Present and Bring on The Mindfulness
Focusing on the present moment can help alleviate the stress of the unknown. Practice mindfulness through deep breathing, meditation, or simply being fully engaged in your daily activities. This helps ground you and keeps your mind from wandering into
what-ifs and worry. You can get my free guide here.

3. Get Excited Your mindset and what you focus on during times of change make all the difference for a healthier, happier transition. Further, pay attention to your inner dialogue and when it starts to fret and worry causing anxious feelings. Turn those feelings into excitement and a focus on the positives. Ask yourself, where do I anticipate growth and expansion with this change?

4. Practice Self-Compassion & Care
Again, recognize the voices in your head and how you are feeling. It’s okay to feel unsettled and to not have all the answers. This is a time to be more gentle and kind to yourself. How can you have compassion and care more intentionally for yourself during change? Can you get more rest, exercise, eat better, or take breaks for fun?

5. Set Small Goals and Milestones
When facing a big, daunting transition, break down the process into manageable steps. Set small, achievable goals to make and recognize steady progress. Celebrate your wins and accomplishments along the way. Write down three wins each day and really soak them in and celebrate them.

6. Seek Support
Reach out to friends, family, a therapist or coach for support. Sharing your experiences and receiving encouragement will provide comfort and perspective. We need to process and talk about transition to help clarify our thoughts and feelings. We can do this with professionals, others experiencing a similar transition, or by taking part in a reflective and personal growth retreat.

7. Reflect on Your Growth
Take time to reflect on how far you’ve come through this and previous transitions. Recognize the strengths you’ve developed and the lessons you’ve learned. This reflection can help you appreciate and get excited about the journey while building resilience. Reflecting on our growth and our gifts is something we do regularly at Barred Owl retreats and in my Clark University Mindful Choices classes starting soon.

Journal Questions for Deeper Reflection on Change and Transitions:

What are the biggest changes and transitions you have experienced in life? How did you cope? How did you grow?

Where does resistance show up for you around change? And, how does it show up for you?

What two tips and practices will you focus on in a time of transition?

Who or what can support you during a time of change and transition?

How does this change impact your sense of identity or self-concept? Are there aspects of your identity that are evolving or becoming clearer?

What are the potential opportunities or positive aspects of this transition? How can you leverage these for personal growth?

What is something you are grateful for right now, despite the challenges of this transition?

Remember, transitions are opportunities to savor what you are grateful for and what you love in the now and a chance to get excited for growth and transformation. By approaching change mindfully, you can find greater calm and purpose. So stay awake to your journey, and trust in your ability to adapt and thrive. I believe in you!

With love and light on your your journey,


88 Marshall Street, Leicester, Massachusetts 01524
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Barred Owl Retreat

Do you want transformation in your life? To have the tools and practices for living in alignment with your true self? Do you want more peace, presence, and fulfillment? I've been teaching and coaching others for almost two decades to live more awake and engaged lives through mindfulness practices, expressive arts, and self-discovery exercises. Join me on the journey.

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